• titans
    Transistor Titans

  • (B Club) Sponsor: Mr. Wallace
    Club Location: C-207
    Founded: 2011 

    We are MARS Robotics, we include 3 teams, the Transistor Titans, Ohm's Olympians, and the Mechanical Muses. We compete in FIRST Robotics (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). FIRST is a non-for-profit organization devoted to science, engineering, technology, and math. It is a competition based program where team robots compete with and against other robots. The rules for the competitions are released in early September with competitions starting in November. 

    Meeting times will very from a couple of hours a week to begin with, then up to 15 hours a week (possibly more) once the build session begins. Typically we meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays with occasional Saturday building sessions. 

    Dues: $15.00 Per Year
    This will cover the cost of registering the team as well as team t-shirts. See Mr. Wallace for more details.